To register a virtual entity and/or security is open and for free to everyone.

Register FIAT entity

Fill in the required fields to open an IBIN for a fiat entity to identify a virtual security. Transfer the information from your current excerpt from the commercial register and generate an arbitrary IBIN. If your entity already has an ISIN and you want to generate the same or a special IBIN, please contact our support. Our compliance team checks the information before it is activated and will get in touch with you if more information is needed. This process may take time.

After a successful assignment, we will publish the information on the IBIN database and send you a confirmation email. You will receive a support number in the confirmation email. Please keep it safe.

Register virtual entity

Fill in the required fields to open an IBIN for a virtual entity to identify your virtual entity and security. Generate an arbitrary IBIN. If you want to generate a special IBIN, please contact our support. Our compliance team checks the information before it is activated and will get in touch with you if more information is needed. This process may take time.

After a successful assignment, we will publish the information on the IBIN database and send you a confirmation email. You will receive a support number in the confirmation email. Please keep it safe.

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